
{This site is still under construction; pardon our dust :-) }

Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple is one of Cleveland’s leading Reform synagogues and one of the premier Jewish institutions in North America.  We are committed to coming together to learn, worship and connect with our Jewish tradition in all its wisdom and beauty.  Come experience the warmth and friendliness of our congregation and you will see why we are Anshe Chesedpeople of loving kindness.

Our Mission: we are a Reform congregation that strives to perpetuate Jewish tradition and strengthen Jewish lives through lifelong learning, worship, social action, and deeds of loving kindness.

THE BLOG: We’ve had a facelift!  You now have access to lots of temple information at the click of the mouse: Early Childhood Center and Religious School information and forms, weekly worship schedule, and up-to-the-minute blog posts.  We’ve added category and tag searching (see the footer under “CATEGORIES” AND “WHAT IS ALL THIS STUFF?”) to the blog to make it easier to find the information you’re looking for, such as Monday Torah orEvents/Programs or even (*gasp*) sermons.  You know, should you be looking for something fascinating to read at 1 am ;-)

As always, your thoughts and comments are appreciated; leave us Your 2¢.